We are the Foundation to change Macuelizo

Integrity, Compassion, Collaboration, Love, Hope, Faith, Empathy, and Respect identify the values of the Even So Amen leadership and supporters.


After the Covid-19 pandemic and several hurricanes, Honduras has regressed 30 years, causing 77 in every 100 children to live in extremely poor homes and more than half a million to be exploited and forced into begging and other high risk jobs.

Your generosity can help us to transform the most vulnerable individuals and families of Macuelizo.






teacher:student ratio

Our history

Even So Amen was established in September 2021.

Our founders’ hearts were broken by the extreme poverty, lack of resources and limited opportunities for the people in these communities.

We feel God has compelled us to do everything possible to help in the name of Jesus Christ.

Our mission

Our mission is to change lives with the Word of God, provide quality medical care and to educate children and adults for a better future.

Our vision

To fund, build and operate evangelical churches, medical clinics and schools that will serve the communities desperately in need.

Through these efforts we can contribute Christian values and provide men, women, and children the spiritual, emotional and physical health otherwise unavailable to them.

Real Stories

Dreams of the future

Several girls in Macuelizo tell us what they would like to be when they grow up.

We are touched by their aspirations and are sure that, in a few years, they will become women with the ability to enrich their country.

Let’s help them make their dreams come true!

Prepared to work in their community

The inhabitants of Macuelizo are prepared to work on the construction and renovation of medical and educational facilities in the area. They offer their skills to their community, you and I can help them with the resources they need!


Build and sponsor schools

The greatest enemy of public and private education in Macuelizo is extreme poverty: teachers receive low salaries, the facilities are impoverished and many children are unable to attend school due to early economic exploitation or lack of means of transport. At Even So Amen, we are creating new educational opportunities to change this reality.

Build a church

The church is a community with imperfect people in charge of fulfilling the purpose and will of God in the world. Through the church, impoverished communities like Macuelizo can receive spiritual (the word of God), emotional (encouragement, comfort) and physical (food and other resources) support.


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