
Urgent causes

Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done.

Proverbs 19:17

Urgent cause:

Special Needs School Restoration and Daily Provisions

Benefits:  The funds will be used to restore and operate a special needs school in Macuelizo, Honduras. In this school, approximately 150 elementary aged children, with a variety of special needs, receive psychological care along with basic education, recreation and healthy meals.

We are creating a space of opportunity that enables an atmosphere of care and learning. The role of education in poverty reduction cannot be underestimated. Education prepares children for life by imparting fundamental skills and knowledge.

It can be defined as the early stages of formal education that arise before secondary school. Elementary schooling focuses on establishing a child’s identity with the community and nation through socialization with peers. This is a very important part of a child’s development. 


Cost: $60,000 renovations, $150,000 annually

Urgent cause:

Clinic Facility Restoration #1

Benefits: Provide an operable health care facility where healthcare is provided to the entire community of Macuelizo, Honduras. 

Renovating the Clinic has the following benefits: Improves the quality of care in the community, Infection risk is reduced by improving cleanliness, Ability to serve the community for medical needs immediately, Accessible health care for children, individuals, and families. 24-hour care is currently unavailable and is desperately needed.


Cost: $45,000



teacher:student ratio

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Together We Can Make a difference. Changing lives by teaching Christian values and valuable skills to prepare for a better future